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Sentence - Class in ever.pipeline
This class wrapps all the informations about a sentence together
Sentence(String, String) - Constructor for class ever.pipeline.Sentence
Sequence - Class in ever.workflowRepresentation
This class represents the sequence.
Sequence(WorkflowElement, Sentence) - Constructor for class ever.workflowRepresentation.Sequence
Initializes the list with sequence elements
setAllInProducts(ArrayList<Product>) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Task
Replaces the ArrayList of input products by the parameter of the method
setAllOutProducts(ArrayList<Product>) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Task
Replaces the ArrayList of output products by the parameter of the method
setAllProductsThreadLocal(ArrayList<Product>) - Static method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
setAnaTrue() - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
If it was detected that this product is an anaphora it is set true;
setClauseList(ArrayList<Clause>) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Sentence
Sets clause list
setCond(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Option
Set the condition of an option.
setDataflowAggTrue() - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Task
Marks that this task aggreates products.
setDomain(String) - Method in class ever.generic.CaseLoader
setFacetDefinition(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleFacet
Sets the definition of the facet.
setFacetValue(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleFacet
Sets facet value.
setId(int) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Case
setInputFile(File) - Static method in class ever.pipeline.XmlHandler
Configure handler for a new file
setLastIdThreadLocal(Integer) - Static method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
setName(String) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Case
setName(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Product
Sets the product name
setName(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
Sets name of the product
setName(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Task
Set the name of the task
setParentElement(WorkflowElement) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.WorkflowElement
Sets new parent eLement for the element
setPipeId(int) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Case
setPipeStep(int) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Case
setResName(String) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.WorkflowElement
setSeq(Sequence) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Option
Sets a new sequence to the option
setTopLevel(Sequence) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Workflow
Sets a new root sequence.
setTopSequence(Sequence) - Method in class ever.workflowRepresentation.Workflow
Sets the root sequence of the workflow.
setUpConnector(String) - Static method in class ever.pipeline.SundanceConnector
Creates script to call sundance
setWf(Workflow) - Method in class ever.pipeline.Case
SimpleFacet - Class in ever.workflowRepresentation
This class is used to represent additional information.
SimpleFacet(String, String) - Constructor for class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleFacet
Sets value and definition
SimpleProduct - Class in ever.workflowRepresentation
This is the main class used to represent products.
SimpleProduct(String, int) - Constructor for class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
Standard constructor for a simple product
SimpleProduct() - Constructor for class ever.workflowRepresentation.SimpleProduct
SundanceConnector - Class in ever.pipeline
This class control Sundance via shell script
SundanceConnector() - Constructor for class ever.pipeline.SundanceConnector
SundanceResult - Class in ever.pipeline
This class parses the different result files from sundance and loads them into the structures
SundanceResult(File, File, File, String) - Constructor for class ever.pipeline.SundanceResult