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loadCase(String) - Method in class ever.generic.CaseLoader
Runs Sundance and reads created Segmenter and case-frame files.
LocalAndDetector - Class in ever.simpleCooking
This class applies several pattern to extract a parallel control-flow
LocalAndDetector() - Constructor for class ever.simpleCooking.LocalAndDetector
LocalDirectObjectStartAnalyzer - Class in ever.generic
This analyzer looks for case frames which contain an active verb and an direct object.
LocalDirectObjectStartAnalyzer() - Constructor for class ever.generic.LocalDirectObjectStartAnalyzer
LocalGroupHandler - Class in ever.pipeline
Iterates over analyzer and channels the cases through the pipeline.
LocalGroupHandler(ArrayList<Analyzer>, Case) - Constructor for class ever.pipeline.LocalGroupHandler
LocalPrepAndAtTheBeginning - Class in ever.simpleCooking
This analyzer searches for cases where two verbs at the beginning of sentence are seperated by an "and".
LocalPrepAndAtTheBeginning() - Constructor for class ever.simpleCooking.LocalPrepAndAtTheBeginning
LocalPrepTaskGenerator - Class in ever.generic
This analyzer looks for active verbs and objects which are linked with a prepostion.
LocalPrepTaskGenerator() - Constructor for class ever.generic.LocalPrepTaskGenerator
LocalProductSplitter - Class in ever.generic
This Analyzer takes the raw string of an ingredient which was extracted by sundance and it splits ingredients lists in single ingredient.
LocalProductSplitter() - Constructor for class ever.generic.LocalProductSplitter
LocalSequenceTaskDuplicateRemover - Class in ever.generic
It is possible that different analyzers create the same task multiple times.
LocalSequenceTaskDuplicateRemover() - Constructor for class ever.generic.LocalSequenceTaskDuplicateRemover
LocalXorDetector - Class in ever.simpleCooking
This class applies several pattern to extract a disjunctiv control-flow
LocalXorDetector() - Constructor for class ever.simpleCooking.LocalXorDetector
logger - Static variable in class ever.pipeline.Main